Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Register Now for Nonprofit Revitalization Act Webinars

Complying with the Nonprofit Revitalization Act: 
A Practical Webinar Series for New York Nonprofits
Presented by David Watson, Esq, Sr. VP of Legal Accountability Services and Michael West, Esq., Legal Advisor, NYCON 
Various Dates: February 2014 - June 2014 

The Nonprofit Revitalization Act is a landmark change in the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law of the State of New York that will usher in a modern era for the operation and governance of nonprofit corporations starting on July 1, 2014.

Here at the New York Council of Nonprofits, Inc. (NYCON) we eagerly anticipated the updated statutes and have prepared two practical webinars (to be repeated from February through June) designed to help address your immediate needs in complying with the new law. We will cover the updating of your bylaws, governance issues, materials and more. We encourage all Members to take advantage of these free webinars.

Part 1: New 
 York Nonprofit Revitalization Act Part- Steps To Compliance - An Overview  
This session will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the Act as well as a plenary Q/A portion. Webinar to be held in February, April & June - and will be updated accordingly if there are any changes to the law.  This session will provide you with a practical set of
actions to take to amend your bylaws to meet the new standards of the Act.

DatesFebruary 27thApril 24thJune 26th 
Cost: FREE for current NYCON Nonprofit Members;
$79 for Non-Members 
Wellness Check Up! 
Part 2: New York Nonprofit Revitalization Act: Implementing Your Compliance Checklist - Whistleblower, Conflict of Interest, Committees & Executive Compensation:
To be held in March and May, this webinar will be more detailed and will focus on the various topics included in the Act that are new and have implications on compliance and board governance in general and your operations specifically.
Dates: March 25th and May 20th  
Cost: FREE for current NYCON Nonprofit Members;
$79 for Non-Members  
What You Can Expect:  
  • Participants for "live" webinars on date(s) selected are provided with the opportunity to get specific questions addressed by legal experts quickly.
  • All webinar attendees will have access to a recording of the event and the webinar slides. 
  • All webinar attendees will have access to a comprehensive overview of the Act, compiled by NYCON's expert staff.
  • A recording of the webinar will be made available to NYCON Members for six months.
Additional Documents, Tools & Phone Assistance Available to Members as follows:    
  • Documents & Templates to assist your organization with the compliance process, produced by the NYCON Legal Department, will be available to members for $79.
  • Documents, Tools & Templates plus additional assistance via phone to help with implementation can be purchased by members for $259 (includes two hours of phone assistance.) Direct technical assistance above and beyond this can be provided to members at our normal legal fee-for-service rate.
Please contact us with any questions you have about the webinars or the Nonprofit Revitalizaton Act.
Nonprofit Revitalization Act Information
NYS Cap Bldg
The Nonprofit Revitalization Actmakes a number of key reforms to New York law
in two main areas:
-Enhancing nonprofit governance and oversight to prevent fraud and improve public trust; and
-Reducing unnecessary and outdated burdens on nonprofits.

"The Nonprofit Revitalization Act represents significant and much needed reform," according to Doug Sauer, NYCON's CEO.

"Everyone involved is to be congratulated for making this landmark piece of legislation happen. Given that the Act does not take effect until July 1, 2014, there is ample time to review and make any necessary amendments. NYCON looks forward to continuing our partnership with the Sponsors of the Act throughout the amendment process." 

Upcoming NYCON "Lunch & Learn" Webinars

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