Call for Presenters
The NYS Education Department Office of Cultural Education will host a two-day conference, Uncommon Approaches to the Common Core, on August 13 and 14, 2013, aimed at school librarians, public librarians, academic librarians, public historians, and representatives from museums, archives, public television, NYS historic sites, and performing arts organizations. The purpose is to develop understanding of the Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) with the goal to create common skills, a common base of information and common language so that conference participants will be able to effectively support teachers, students (including English-language learners and children with special needs), and parents.
The conference planning team is seeking proposals for breakout sessions on topics such as the following:
• NOVELny: Integrating its resources into the Common Core classroom
• CCLS-based lesson plans using cultural materials
• Use of primary sources
• Inquiry-based learning
• Engaging students with cultural resources
• Working with informational texts
We are especially interested in activities designed by collaborating cultural professionals, such as a librarian and a museum educator, or an archives specialist and a public television education specialist, working with teachers and students.
The conference will take place in Albany at the Cultural Education Center on Madison Avenue. Break-out sessions will take place in the afternoon of August 13. Each will be 60 minutes long.
The deadline for proposals is May 23, 2013.
Presenters will be able to attend the conference at no charge. Reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed.
Selection Criteria:
• How well does the proposed presentation relate to Common Core implementation?
• Is the proposal creative in its approach and does it contain replicable ideas?
• Does the proposal allow for participant engagement
• Will participants be able to use the information immediately?
• Will participants be given materials related to the presentation and implementation of the content?
Please provide all of the following information in your proposal:
Presenter Information
Lead presenter name:
Lead presenter position:
Email address:
Phone number:
Fax number:
Short bio:
Co-presenter name, if any:
Co-presenter position:
Email address:
Phone number:
Fax number:
Short bio:
Title of presentation:
Purpose of presentation:
Intended audience:
Relevance to selection criteria, above:
Intended results of the session:
Other relevant comments or information:
Description of the session for the conference program (100 words or less):
Topic area(s) (check all that apply):
- CCLS implementation Classroom resources Collaboration ideas Technology Other (describe)
- Presentation format (check one):
- Formal presentation on research or program Interactive workshop Panel discussion Demonstration
A screen, six-foot table and chairs, and a flip chart with markers will be provided. We have a limited amount of electronic presentation equipment, so we would appreciate it if you provided your own laptop and projection equipment. Equipment can be made available if necessary, however. Please indicate what equipment you would need.