Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Public Perception Challenge for Utica Nonprofits

The Observer-Dispatch featured an article by Bryon Ackerman examining the finances and operation of the arts nonprofit Utica Monday Nite. The article relates that more than half of the nonprofit Utica Monday Nite's budget goes to a firm owned by Lynne Mishalanie, who is the founder, producer, director and board member for the group that runs the annual downtown event. The article raises a number of questions about: the money earned; whether the consultant role should go out to bid; and the issue of Mishalanie sitting on the nonprofit's board.

A scan of the comments from OD readers reveals that this is a lightning rod issue. The article raises good points and valid questions for any nonprofit, yet, this article also presents an image issue for the local nonprofit sector. In fact, at last year's media panel forum (which included the OD), negative coverage and its impact on nonprofits was even discussed.

Watch the media panel respond to the question: What is the best way to get the media to present a balanced picture of nonprofits, especially when there is one that has drawn negative press coverage?

This question continues to confront local nonprofits. Do directors see a value in any follow up on this issue? Post your comments here.

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