Friday, August 29, 2008

Media Panel Discussion Questions

The Steering Committee is finalizing the discussion questions for the media panel program, set for September 10th. The following questions will guide the program and help improve the relationship between nonprofits and the media. Have comments on the questions? Share your feedback.

1) Can you provide tips and suggestions for the following: best way to make a media request (e-mail, phone, press release, etc) and best times of the week or month to contact you?
2) What are effective ways of helping the media to understand the points nonprofits are trying to get across?
3) How can nonprofits make themselves more attractive to the media?
4) What is the best way to get the media to present a balanced picture of nonprofits, especially when there is one that has drawn negative press coverage?
5) What kind of information about nonprofits do you believe you have an obligation to report on?
6) What does the media think of a nonprofit executive directors group? Do you see value in such a group and are you willing to contact the group for information?
7) Does paid advertising by a nonprofit have an impact on the media coverage they may receive? Is there a code of ethics related to this issue?
8) What scenarios can you think of where nonprofits and media outlets could both benefit?

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